Hsiao-Jung Yu
Ph.D., UC Berkeley

HSSB 2239


Hsiao-jung Yu ‘s research in Chinese linguistics focuses primarily on two areas: historical linguistics and applied linguistics. In historical linguistics she has conducted research in applying linguistic analysis to solving authorship problems, identifying translators of Buddhist sutras, and dating Chinese literary works. Her current research interest has concentrated primarily on exploring external influences on the changes of the Chinese language, such as the influence of translated Chinese Buddhist sutras and the language policy when China was under the Mongol and Manchu control. In applied linguistics, her primary interests are in language-teaching theory and methodology, context and culture in language learning, and second-language acquisition.

Professor Yu feels that she has learned tremendously while working on these above mentioned areas and topics and wholeheartedly welcomes everyone who shares similar interests to come and join her to explore these areas.


Language Contact and Change in Chinese
Edited by: Guangshun Cao and Hsiao-jung Yu

Language Contact and Change in Chinese Book Cover

Selected Articles:


“Contact and Change in the History of Chinese Language” in Breaking down the Barriers: Interdisciplinary Studies in Chinese Linguistics and Beyond, ed. by Guangshun Cao, Hilary Chappell, Redouane Djamouri and Thekla Wiebusch. Taipei: Academia Sinica. Forthcoming.

  • Zhuan ji Baiyuanjing yufa yanjiu [The language of “The sutra of one hundred karmic tales”], Shangwu yinshuguan, Beijing (2010).
  • “Lilun yu shishi—Yuyan jiechu shijiao xia de Zhonggu yijing” [Theory and fact— a study of the translated Buddhist sutras of the Mediaeval Period from the perspectives of language contact], Hanyushi xuebao (2008).
  • “Fan-Han duikan yu zhonggu yijing yufa yanjiu” [The comparative use of Sanskrit and Chinese Buddhist sutras in the study of Middle Chinese syntax], Hanyushi xuebao (2005), no. 6.
  • “Hanyu jiaoxue de lilun yu shijian” [Theories and practice in Chinese language instruction], Journal of Chinese Studies, Sookmyung Women’s University (Korea) (2006), no. 9, 35-54.
  • Zhonggu Hanyu yufashi yanjiu [A study of Middle Chinese syntax] (with Guangshun Cao) (Xi’nan Normal University Press) (2006)
  • “Shuo ‘yunhe’” [A discussion on the interrogative word “yunhe”], Kaipian, (Waseda University, Tokyo) (2003), no.22: 48-50.
  • “The Influence of Translated Later Han Buddhist Sutras on the Development of the Chinese Disposal Construction” (with Guangshun Cao), Cahiers de Linquistique Asie Orientale (Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale, Paris) 29:2 (2000): 151-177.
  • Rulin waishi cihui yanjiu (A study of the lexicon in Rulin waishi), (Peking University Press, Peking)(2000)
  • A Practical Business Chinese Reader (with Daoxiong Guan), (Peking University Press, Peking)(2000)
  • CyberChinese: A Multimedia Aid for Elementary Chinese Language Instruction: Overview and Evaluation. (with George Michaels), Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association 33(3), (1998): 39-50.

Courses Taught:

  • The Buddhist Influence on Chinese Language and Culture (Chinese 104/204)
  • Advanced Readings in Vernacular Literature (Chinese 136)
  • The Language of Vernacular Chinese Literature (Chinese 150/250)
  • Chinese Language Pedagogy (Chinese 251)
  • Pedagogical Chinese Grammar (Chinese 152)
  • Introduction to Historical Chinese Syntax (Chinese 153)
  • Pedagogical Chinese Grammar (Chinese 252)
  • Introduction to Historical Chinese Syntax (Chinese 253)